Landlord Benefits

We recognize that some landlords may have experienced difficulties in renting to our target groups in the past. We have therefore developed a package of benefits to alleviate some of these concerns and demonstrate the importance we place on the involvement of private sector landlords in the scheme.

  • Offering a guaranteed fixed rent even if the tenant decides to move and the property is empty.

  • Contracts can be completed within a day or two. Tenants can be moved in within the next day or two – Cash paid up front.

  • Payments made directly to the landlord.

  • Rent paid to you every month by Sunshine Properties Essex, whether the property is occupied or not.

  • The amount that you will receive will be agreed prior to commencement of the contract.

  • Support will be available to all households throughout the two to five years. 

  • No need for any contact with the tenant.

  • Property Inspection and Maintenance throughout the term of lease.

  • During the lease you will not be required to undertake any repairs or maintenance works or carry out yearly gas safety inspections, five yearly electrical testing (if they fall within the lease period) as this will be undertaken by us.  If there is any tenant damage, this will also be rectified at no cost or inconvenience to you.

  • The property returned to you at the end of the five-year lease in the same condition as when the lease started, less wear and tear.

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